Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New Life
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
True Confessions.
"The relationship with God that I attempted never felt very real. He never talked to me. I talked to him, but he was always silent. I had to just trust that he was really there and really listening.
I found what he said in the Bible very confusing and contradictory. It made me crazy trying to figure out which verses applied to which situations. Other people never seemed to have a problem with that. God never helped me to understand.
I finally gave up and decided this whole relationship was an imaginary thing inside my own head.
Aren’t there bare minimum standards for something to be considered a “relationship?”
What are those standards?
I also heard that in Islam, they are not trying to have a relationship with Allah. They revere him and submit, have certain duties, etc., but it’s not a warm and fuzzy thing like in Christianity. Hopefully I’m not misrepresenting anything here. I’m sure you see what I’m trying to get at.
Oh yeah, and would you want to have a relationship with someone you fear? Like they might throw you in hell if you’re not of the elect?
And God TELLS us to love him. Can you love someone just because they tell you to?
I don’t get it."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
When God actually "comes through for you..."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
from Sojourners...
Dear bart,
It’s good that some of America’s most conservative talking heads are hearing from people of faith. On a recent episode of The O’Reilly Factor [1], Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby, did some truth-telling:
Bill O’Reilly’s response, however, was out of touch and misleading:
Be another voice of faith setting Bill O’Reilly straight about health-care reform. Does Bill really think that the health-care crisis is only a problem for poor people? Or that clinics alone are a real solution? While his band-aid suggestions and scare tactics obscure the issue, the health-care crisis is making people poor as costs skyrocket - even for those with coverage. Even those who may lose business as a result of reform know that, in the health-care crisis, it’s the current system that’s bankrupting America - one citizen at a time:
Bill doesn’t trust the government to provide his own health care, but he thinks it’s good enough to provide clinics for the poor. We need comprehensive reform for all Americans, not just band-aids for people in poverty. No person in America should go bankrupt because they cannot afford needed medical care. The major proposals for health-care reform would prohibit insurance companies from placing an annual or lifetime limit to the amount of coverage a person can receive, and would limit the amount that can be charged in out-of-pocket deductibles. No person should have to fight serious illness and bankruptcy at the same time. The issue is not, as O’Reilly says, the government going bankrupt - it is hundreds of thousands of Americans going bankrupt. Bill O’Reilly has shown that he’s willing to listen to voices of faith when it comes to health-care reform. Add your voice to the chorus of those calling for truth-telling on this vital issue. Click here to take action today. Shalom, Ryan, Elizabeth, Duane, and the team at Sojourners ---- 1) The O'Reilly Factor, 8/19/2009 2) Source: "The View From Your Sickbed," a reader’s letter to "The Daily Dish," The Atlantic online, 8/10/2009 |
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
small words/small thoughts
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
There is no "or"
Monday, August 24, 2009
Power and Equality?
"Wherever men hold unequal power in society, they will strive to maintain it. They will use whatever means are convenient to that end and will seek to justify them by the most plausible arguments they are able to devise. Nevertheless there are possibilities of increasing social justice through the development of mind and reason.”
The more we think about ourselves and our relationship to one another, the more kind we must become. Does this sound irrational to you? Or is it only that you ascribe sinister motives to everyone else. Why not hope in the goodness that is in another human being. Why not even act as if you believe your neighbors motive is not simply greed and self gratification? His actions could be based upon the same confused morality that you and I try to apply to our lives in the most rich and hedonistic society on earth.
"Social Justice" is not just another anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, anti-American concept. In fact it is not necessarily anti-anything. In fact social justice at its core is based upon one very basic truth...that all men are created equal. AHA! So it is a very "American" market, capitalistic, and all that? Maybe this is where the paths in the woods start to diverge.
Equality of man is not license for come what may. It is not a definition that says...o.k. I'm equal to you and you to you get what you get. I have no responsibility for you. Your failures are your own; your success is your own... You are equal to me, so if I exceed you in wealth, power, and status, that is your fault, not mine. If you are hungry, tired, naked, and abused, well that is yours to bear.
So, we have to consider, that even though my environment (my parents, my skin color, my religious persuasion, etc...) has favored my "success" in the measure of this society and economic system, my success creates even greater responsibility for me to bring equality to my world. Should I now reward the lazy, no good, useless minions that can't seem to work a five day week? Yes, and I should look deeper than the stereotypes and the casual studies to find the injustices that put a person in a down-trodden position. At the end of this search, I guarantee that I will find injustice.
While we all may be created equal, we have also created ways to make life very "un-equal" for some. We have also created many systems that make life in this society a whole lot easier for others.
Why are minorities the highest percentage of the prison population? Because they're born to be criminals? Why do land-locked countries have lower GDP and lower wages? Why does the African continent have higher instances of poverty than the rest of the world? Because these people are just stupid, corrupt, immoral? The entire race??? There is injustice in this world. Just because we are the haves, and others are the have-nots...doesn't mean we are right and blessed, and they are wrong and cursed.
Our material "blessing" is our curse because we have become numb to the things that really matter. The capital that we should be spending is our time. The investment vehicle with the greatest return is relationships...and not just with those like us, or who can get things for us. Relationships that are mutual, loving, and full of respect and hope are priceless. And, whether we like it or not, we are "in relationship" with everyone else in this world. What we do affects one another. The effect is magnified by the amount of time we spend with others. And time, is something we all have in equal supply. How we spend it can be dictated and controlled by our own actions and the actions of others.
Our effect and the effect of others upon us is inescapable. But, it can be beautiful, if we use it for the right purpose. Figuring out that purpose brings us back to the Niebuhr quote above. The mental exercise he prescribes has can change the world, by changing you.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Life is going on...
The fact of the matter is that I feel called to do this work, to do ministry, and do it as a vocation, not just part of what I do in my job and life. I feel called to professionally support the church daily with my skills that I use to support the company I work for. There are details to be worked out. My friend and pastor, Jack says that nothing has ever gotten in the way of his ministry to others. In many ways, what could get in the way of God. In Romans, Paul says that not even death can thwart the plans God has for us... In Phillipeans we are reminded to trust in the Lord and not worry about anything. Jesus compared our lives to that of birds or lillies in the field...said that God clothed those and fed those creatures every day with what they need to fulfill their purpose, and are we not much more valuable than them? Are we?
At least to God, I think we are, so much so that no authority, and not even death can circumvent the plans God has for us.
Monday, August 3, 2009
An impossible predicament
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hanging out and waiting for things to happen
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Welcoming Immigrants?
From the Jerusalem Post :
Monday, July 13, 2009
What do we really know...
Do I really "k" Know anything? I know what I think, I know what I like, although that can change in an instant. I know how I feel right this instant, although that will also change in a second. So what do I "K"now. Not much...not much at all. In fact the more that I learn, the more I learn that I do not Know much worth knowing.
There are a lot of things that I believe though. I believe that loving my neighbor is about the best I can do to show Christ's love to another human being. I believe that the principles that Jesus displayed on this earth are not necessarily what is happening in my life, or being promoted through many "Christian" religions. I believe that someone who is a very good Hindu may be a better Christian than I am. I believe that for me to become who God wants me to be, I must deny myself and what I want for the betterment of others. I believe that all of the above is very hard to do...
I believe that I love most people, but that I should love all people.
I believe that I need to live in community with you, not just live in your community.
I hope that my belief will match my action...
Love and Peace to all.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
True Kingdom of God...Zemayesh
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wiping out Israel?
Geographically, we are very far removed from the middle east conflicts... It's not just the Israeli's that are's the Sunni Muslims too. It's too easy to just write off the constant messages out of Israel as "paranoid" or "posturing." It's way more than's a matter of survival.
If someone had a gun pointed at our head, constantly...we might understand how they feel. In this instance, the gun isn't quite constructed yet. It's being built, one piece at a time. Agonizingly, the Israelis are watching its construction and wondering why we can't all come up with a solution to prevent it's completion. Because, once it's complete, it's too late. The trigger can be pulled in seconds.
Then, they would be forced to do something for their own survival.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I don't care
Monday, June 22, 2009
When nothing is enough...
What is enough faith? What is enough belief? I feel like the guy who approached Christ saying..."I believe, help my unbelief." It's like I'm saying...I believe, but I just can't get it all together. God, please help me when I can't muster the faith to even ask for help.
What I have is a gift from God, even though I like to think it somehow came from me, or started from me. It didn't. Even what little I have, was a gift, freely given in love. The more I try to assert my own strength, my own belief, my own faith, the more I move away from depending upon and believing in God. It almost sounds silly as I write it. So simple, so hard to believe. The foolishness of our faith confounds the wisdom of this world and all of its messages.
Let my weakness showcase God's strength. Instead of fighting my way forward, let me submit myself to God's will. I want to find the still small voice leading opposite the tide. It takes doing nothing sometimes to stop and hear that voice.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Going to sleep
We're usually asleep like that. We stop hearing the birds sing when we're outside, we don't even notice our ride into work. What did the trees look like? How did the sun fell as it fell upon your face. How did the air conditioning feel as it cooled you? Did that song on the radio make your soul dance or cry? Do you remember what you just said to your friend on the cell phone?
It's like we're just filling time between things that we don't experience. Experiences that aren't experienced. In a way, we are asleep. What puts our lights out? What makes the day seem like a haze or a series of obstacles just to jump through? We're zoned out. We need to tune in.
We need to think one thought at a time and do one thing at a time. We need to pay attention to what is in front of us. IF we don't like what we see, we need to get up and move. We need to wake up our minds and decide what gets our attention and our focus and our very short time on this earth. If what is filling our lives is junk...then our lives are junk. If what is filling our lives is rich and lasting and enriching and sustaining...then our lives are rich and fulfilled. If we don't know WHY we are doing what we are doing, then we are asleep and unaware. We have to wake up. WAAAAKE UUUUUUUUP! What fills you up?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Are Latinos the new Jews?
The Anti-Defamation League now reports that Sotomayor is being blamed on the "Jews:" "White supremacists and anti-Semites have flooded Internet sites with messages charging the Sotomayor nomination is the result of 'Jewish power.'" The best thing about this is that Jewish advocacy groups are embracing the Latino community out of a common bond: persecution by the ultra right hate groups.
Today in Alabama, troopers can stop you on "suspicion" of being an undocumented immigrant. They can take you to jail and start deportation proceedings if you can't produce ID fast enough. Better not look Latino down here! Better not be listening to Mexican radio!
In Albertville, Alabama, the mayor is diverting money from the school system to try to start an immigration detention program in his city. TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of his constituency is Latino. They have started businesses, bought houses, and made his formerly abandoned downtown into a bustling business district. Thanks so go back to Mexico?
It's a sad day in America when the new "weapon" against "illegal immigration" is a gun in the hands of vigilantes. Enough is enough. Violence is the product of can only be combated by all of our communities standing together against it. Christians, Jews, Muslims...all peace loving and God-fearing persons...we need to stand together for the common beliefs of decency and human rights against this tide.