Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life is going on...

It is going on...It doesn't seem to start and stop based on prayer, answers to prayer, guidance from God or even bad things and good things that happen. It seems hard sometimes to deal with the fact of life moving forward as I seem to sit still.

The fact of the matter is that I feel called to do this work, to do ministry, and do it as a vocation, not just part of what I do in my job and life. I feel called to professionally support the church daily with my skills that I use to support the company I work for. There are details to be worked out. My friend and pastor, Jack says that nothing has ever gotten in the way of his ministry to others. In many ways, what could get in the way of God. In Romans, Paul says that not even death can thwart the plans God has for us... In Phillipeans we are reminded to trust in the Lord and not worry about anything. Jesus compared our lives to that of birds or lillies in the field...said that God clothed those and fed those creatures every day with what they need to fulfill their purpose, and are we not much more valuable than them? Are we?

At least to God, I think we are, so much so that no authority, and not even death can circumvent the plans God has for us.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

John Lennon said "Life is what happens while we're making other plans."

It will all work itself out. I've often found that God is just waiting for ME to commit to the decision and then miraculously, all the obstacles I worried about suddenly start to crumble.