Tuesday, February 22, 2011

sometimes you just want to throw up

I just want to throw up...I ate a bad meal and it doesn't sit well with me. Sometimes I eat some bad stuff, I hear bad stuff, I see bad stuff, and I can't fix it, heal it, or change it. It just sits there and makes me feel so very sick. We need healing...we need a doctor that can patch things up without all the killing, the shooting, the torturing. We accept dictators because they bring stability...but stability at the price of freedom and lives. We accept revolution as long as it brings to power people that don't hurt anyone beyond their own borders. Containment isn't a policy that I can accept. But how can we fight against tyrants without violence, guns, and bombs? We say that is the only language they understand. Maybe it's the only language we understand. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. God please show me how that works.

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